Our Story

In a backyard not so long ago....Anthony Nied starting seeding his grass lawn with a variety of different flowering plants! He is on a mission to eliminate the use of lawn chemicals and support pollinators.
In 2010 Anthony was a conventional lawn care applicator spraying weeds with hazardous chemicals. "When I wasn't able to hug my wife or kids when I got home because I was covered in chemicals, I knew I had to make a drastic change." Nied said. He went on to start Safe & Simple Organic Lawns which focused on creating a healthy lawn by focusing on the soil first. In 2018 he started seeding clover into grass lawns to reduce the need for fertilizing, watering, and mowing. "Clover used to be in all grass seed sold in America, decades ago before the widespread use of chemical pesticides. It has so many benefits for the homeowner and the planet, it's a no brainer," Nied Said. "To further support pollinators we started adding in other low growing wildflowers that grow well in a lawn setting like creeping thyme and self-heal."
With Horticulture and Business education and experience, Anthony and his family have grown Flawn Seed Kits into a nationally recognized brand available in hundreds of stores and invite you along on the journey to a chemical free property that is safe for people, pets, and the environment.
We're on a mission to improve the quality of life and the environment!
The Problem with Lawns
59 Million Pounds
Each year 59 Million pounds of pesticides are used to keep lawns looking "neat". - E.P.A.
$105 Billion
Americans spent $105 Billion in 2020 to maintain their lawns.
- Statista
50 Million Acres
There is an estimated 50 million acres of turf grass in the United States. - Penn State University
3 Billion Gallons of Gas
Lawns used nearly 3 Billion gallons of gas in 2018 and produced 26.7 million tons of pollutants. - D.O.T. & E.P.A.
Flawns to the Rescue!
- Order and spread a custom blend of pollinator friendly seeds into your existing lawn to create a Flawn.
- Reduced mowing, fertilizing and watering lowers maintenance costs by an average of $1,700 per year.
- Reduced maintenance saves you time.
- Flowering lawns support beneficial pollinating insects like butterflies and bees.
- Flowering lawns capture and store more carbon than grass lawns making your property greener.
- All packaging and shipping materials are sustainably sourced and 100% compostable or recyclable.
- Flawn Kits include simple step by step DIY instructions.